Let’s Try Something Different

If you could “outthink” your problems…

…you would have already done so. After all, you’re intelligent and insightful. Plus, you have friends to help you think about things from other perspectives.

But, as you know, all the knowledge in the world doesn’t stop the racing thoughts or that crushing depression.

You want to feel something different, so let’s try something different.

What if…

There is nothing wrong with you…

You don’t need to be changed or “fixed.”

But instead…

You need to be found…

… and you need to find yourself.

It’s all about connection.

Emotions that are not felt get stored, creating a shadow that distorts your perspective on reality.

Unexpressed emotions, therefore, create a disconnect.

Fundamentally, our issues arise from disconnection – from self, God, and others. Restoring the connection is the way to health and wholeness.

Wouldn’t it be great…

… if you could share the difficult things in your life without having to relive them?

This would improve how you connect with the harder parts of your life.

Or wouldn’t it be great to have an increased understanding of yourself?

You could see how your past influences your present, and in doing so, you would realize that the past shouldn’t have much of a say in your day-to-day life.

Sharing the hard things and self-understanding are the keys to finding yourself.

Forget what you know about therapy.

Let’s start with the body…

What I am offering may differ from what you’re used to. I will invite you to do things you may not have done before.

Something has been building inside you, and we’re not going to “stuff,” “get over,” “avoid,” or “over-emote” about it just to “move on” or get a catharsis. These reactions and coping mechanisms may have helped in the past, but they’re no longer serving you.

Your nervous system has been “trained” to operate in a certain way. That’s why you have the same bad partner with a different name, the same challenging boss at a different job, and the same hard feelings and situations keep cropping up.

But these patterns can be released, and we’ll go directly to the body to do it.

Go back to go forward…

Through our body, our nervous systems bring us back to earlier times to work through something unresolved. We regress in this way all the time.

When we understand and accept that, we can see whether we are responding to the present or something from the past. In that regard, trauma (something too much, too fast, or too soon for us to handle at the time) can be considered a “time disorder.” When something similar triggers it… BOOM! It shows up in the present.

As we begin to work through the backlog of trauma lodged in our bodies, we have more capacity to pause, offering us the freedom to choose how we want to respond. That pause and that choice give us power. Our resiliency increases, and we get to show up more as our authentic selves.

This process separates past pain from present circumstances, allowing access to our intuition (God’s most direct way of communicating with us).

In that place of connection – to God, ourselves, and others – we are given something beautiful: God’s will for our lives.

The world needs you – the REAL you.

Let’s shift from the narrow focus of your problem to actively rebuilding your life.

But for you to show up as YOU and me as ME, we need to agree that this is what you want. If you are not ready to discover yourself, this is a waste of your time and money.

This is not self-improvement. This is not just symptom reduction. This is not yet another way to manage, control, stuff, or avoid your feelings.

You do not need to “improve.” You are wonderful, just as you are. This is a chance to work through the pain and junk so that you can be you without all the baggage… plain and simple.

Are you ready to be the beautiful, wonderful you that the world needs?

Call me today. Let’s schedule your free consultation to see how I can help: (651) 412-3247.